4 Major Clinical Manifestations of Left Occipital Lobe Infarction

4 Major Clinical Manifestations of Left Occipital Lobe Infarction
Visual Impairments

This is the most common symptom. If the lesion is in the left visual center, patients may experience right homonymous hemianopia, where they cannot see objects on the right side, tend to veer left when walking, and are prone to visual hallucinations.

If the lesion occurs around the striate cortex, patients may lose the ability to recognize shapes, colors, and faces, often needing tactile assistance for identification.

If the lesion is at the parieto-occipital-temporal junction, visual distortions may occur, causing objects to appear larger or smaller, distorted in shape, and even change in color.

Language Impairments

The left cerebral hemisphere is the dominant hemisphere, so infarction here can easily cause language impairments, primarily manifesting as alexia and reading difficulties.

Memory Impairments

Left occipital lobe infarction can also lead to memory impairments, with patients experiencing significant declines in recent memory and potentially forgetting past events.

Mental Symptoms

Due to the temporary inability to recover, the patient's normal life is affected, leading to emotional fluctuations and symptoms such as depression and listlessness.

Regarding treatment, left occipital lobe infarction is generally treatable, and a significant number of patients can recover through regular treatment without lasting sequelae. However, a small number of patients may have poor treatment outcomes, resulting in sequelae such as hemianopia and reduced vision. The treatment effect is related to the patient's ischemic tolerance and the location of the infarction.

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