5 Symptoms That Warn of Brittle Blood Vessels

Vascular health is crucial for maintaining overall well-being. When blood vessels begin to harden, a condition known as arteriosclerosis, the body may exhibit certain symptoms. Here are five signs that may indicate that blood vessels are becoming brittle.

Persistent Chest Pain or Pressure: When hardened arteries lead to insufficient blood supply to the heart, it may cause persistent chest pain or pressure, which could be a sign of heart disease.

Leg Pain or Weakness: Hardened blood vessels affecting blood flow to the lower limbs can cause leg pain or weakness, especially after walking or exercise.

High Blood Pressure: Arteriosclerosis can lead to high blood pressure, which is a dangerous sign for cardiovascular health.

Frequent Headaches: Frequent headaches, especially upon waking in the morning, may be a sign of hardening blood vessels.

Blurred Vision or Blindness: When arteriosclerosis affects blood flow to the eyes, it can cause vision problems such as blurred vision or blindness.

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