Sudden Increase in Appetite! Beware of 5 Major Diseases!

Sudden Increase in Appetite! Beware of 5 Major Diseases!

Generally, a sudden increase in appetite is normal, but if it is accompanied by other symptoms, it may indicate health problems. The following diseases may be the reason for your increased appetite:


One of the typical symptoms of diabetes is an increase in appetite. This is because a large amount of glucose is excreted in the urine, leading to insufficient absorption of sugar by the body, thus stimulating the brain's feeding center, causing the patient to often feel hungry.

Duodenal Ulcer

Fast digestion is often caused by increased stomach acid, commonly seen in peptic ulcers. Most of these patients are in a state of high stomach acid, and food is digested quickly after eating, leading to hunger.


Hyperthyroidism is caused by the excessive secretion of thyroid hormones, leading to increased metabolism and excessive energy consumption, resulting in increased appetite. It is also often accompanied by fatigue, sweating, heat intolerance, general weakness, and weight loss.

Cushing's Syndrome

Patients have an abnormally increased appetite and body obesity, with fat accumulation in the chest and abdomen, but the limbs are not fat, and may even appear thin.

Parasitic Infection

If hygiene is not observed and intestinal parasites such as hookworms or tapeworms are contracted, it can lead to abnormal digestive system function, resulting in increased appetite.

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