These 7 Conditions Are Not Illnesses, But Age-Related Changes! (Part 2)

4. Asymptomatic Prostate Calcification

Prostate calcification is similar to liver calcification in the body, both being scars left after inflammatory reactions and wound healing. The presence of prostate calcification indicates a past occurrence of prostatitis, but there is no need for excessive worry. Regular check-ups are generally sufficient.

Minor ailments and pains in the body are quite common. If a problem is detected, and the doctor advises treatment, it is important to cooperate actively. If no intervention is required or there is no treatment available, it is important to face it calmly and rationally.

5. Premature Heartbeat

The heart is a vital organ in the human body. Once the heart stops beating, it means the end of life.

Young people should take premature heartbeats seriously as they are closely related to heart health, and early treatment can effectively prevent diseases.

There is a significant difference in the bodies of elderly people. Older individuals often have poorer physical fitness compared to younger people, and the presence of underlying conditions increases the risk of premature heartbeats.

6. Functional Constipation

Many elderly people experience functional constipation as they age. This condition is caused by various factors, including weakened gastrointestinal motility and reduced secretion of digestive juices, making it more difficult to pass stool.

Other reasons include decreased physical activity, reduced food intake, and lower water consumption, all contributing to functional constipation.

Many elderly people resort to buying various laxatives from pharmacies when they experience functional constipation. However, some laxatives can harm the body. For instance, stimulant laxatives like senna leaves, aloe, and rhubarb can cause dependency and lead to melanosis coli if used long-term and in large amounts.

7. Arterial Plaque

As people age, most elderly individuals develop some degree of arterial plaque, even without underlying conditions like hypertension or diabetes.

This is because aging causes the blood vessels to show signs of degeneration, losing their elasticity, and allowing various impurities to deposit on the vessel walls, similar to how grime builds up in a water pipe over time.

Therefore, it is important to view arterial plaque correctly. Do not panic upon discovering plaque, fearing immediate occurrences of cerebral infarction or myocardial infarction.

   These 7 Conditions Are Not Illnesses, But Age-Related Changes! (Part 1)
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